Back Porch Conversations

Psalm 71:14-16 But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. My mouth will tell of your righteousness,of your salvation all day long, though I know not its measure. I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, O Sovereign Lord; I will proclaim your righteousness, yours alone.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Singing to the neighbors ....

I love to workout - walk or run normally, but lately I've been lifting weights too. Now don't get any crazy ideas, not trying to bulk up just get in shape. Last night my favorite show went off and it was time to walk. I decided instead that I would ride the stationary bike on the backporch, I got my MP3 player and tennis shoes and went out there. I started pedaling and singing ... I was going for awhile when I realized that the house behind us the man was outside and could probably hear me (my mother said I was pretty loud). I got pretty embarrassed and then I realized how silly I was being. I was singing about my cup overflowing, how the Lord has filled me. I was just singing to Jesus until I knew the neighbor heard me. The best part of the song is (Caedmons Call - Walk With Me):

"Will you lead me, beside the still waters
Where the oil, it runs over, and my cup overflows
You restore my soul."

He will lead me, he will fill me. Why not tell the world?!?! Why not share?? Why be so timid?

Update: I am leaving for Africa in 7 days ... CANT BELIEVE IT!!! The super exciting part is that about five months ago I began making plans for this trip as well as a trip to Thailand with my church. The combined cost of the two trips was $3,900.00 - thats a lot of money. I'm a poor college kid and don't have any "rich" friends. I found a note in my journal the other night where during a meeting I asked a friend "Can I raise 3,900 in a year?" Her response was "I don't think you can - Ask Jesus if He can." and I did but with little faith, I am hear to say that He has BLOWN my mind! All the support for both trips has been raised! I am actually over for the Thailand trip - but that money still goes into the account and will bless someone else!!! What an AMAZING GOD I serve. He knows my needs even before I bring them to him and blesses me more than I could expect. People ask me and it is a joy to tell them how the Lord has answered prayers!! I serve a BIG GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • At 11:14 AM, Blogger Mindy Rainer said…

    Amen! I've had the same experience-God providing for a mission trip in a very short period of time. The funny thing is, my job is in fund-raising for schools and my company has methods that teach people how to fund-raise in their own strength which is a difficult process that takes a lot of time. I'm so grateful and (often shamefully astonished) at how abundantly God meets (and exceeds) our needs if we'll seek Him.

    Keep on writing-- can't wait to hear about Africa when you get back.

  • At 5:46 PM, Blogger hewessa said…

    sing it girlfriend! i mean...i can always play the cd that has your solo on it..... hahaha! love and miss you! :)

  • At 3:18 PM, Blogger bethany said…

    gosh... you are so precious! i'm glad i found your blog. blessed my heart, and i feel like i can relate to you. why don't we hang out more? good grief, we should change that. i'll be praying for you as you head out to tell the people in Africa about Jesus. He's so good... gosh i love Him.


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