Back Porch Conversations

Psalm 71:14-16 But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. My mouth will tell of your righteousness,of your salvation all day long, though I know not its measure. I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, O Sovereign Lord; I will proclaim your righteousness, yours alone.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I left my HEART ...

I left my heart in South Africa ... really just in Africa. I am home and severely tired - its a strange feeling being jet lagged! I am soooo thankful for your prayers and will write in the days to come of all the things the Lord taught me! What a blessing it was ...


Friday, July 14, 2006

I am getting ready to head to the Church to meet the rest of the team so we can head to SOUTH AFRICA ... I can hardly believe that it is here!!! I AM SO EXCITED - a little sleepy but EXCITED ! ! ! !

Here are some things you can be praying for and some verses:

1. The Youth at Merlewood Primary & Secondary Schools, Genesis Centre Gym, and the Workers and Patients at Murchison Hospital

(John 4:23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks.)

2. The Flippo Family - Steve, Cala, Josh, Joseph, Sarah Beth and Samuel

(Colossians 2:2-3 My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.)

3. Our Team Members:
Greg Key Ashley Hathcox Karen Allred Scotte Hodel
Terri Leigh Wilson Joanna Henderson Jordan Jenson Ben Knight
Sarah Taylor Audrey Vordenbaum Adam Hodel Becky Knight
Kasey Bodine Matt McVay Hillary Dickey Anna Maddox

(Philippians 2:3-4 Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interest of others. )

4. That my HEART would increase for the NATIONS:

(Psalm 47:1-2 Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy, How awesome is the Lord Most High, the great King over all the earth!)

Psalm 71:14-16 But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. My mouth will tell of your righteousness, of your salvation all day long, though I know not its measure. I will come and proclaim your righteousness, YOURS ALONE!!!



Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Home Sweet Home

I love traveling - absolutely LOVE it!! I like to see new things, try new things and take LOTS of pictures BUT there is nothing like coming home. I promise you that the air smells different, trees look greener and life just seems better when you come back to "the loveliest village on the plains." I miss my parents of course and all the sweet people I work with in San Antonio, but I am glad to be back even for only a few days. By 930 this morning I had already been to Lakeview, been around Campus, and eaten at the Barbecue House. :-) (just a random comment on that note: Yesterday at the airport the security guard wished me a happy early birthday - its not for another 23 days and then I got an AWESOME birthday present this morning - can't go into details but know that it made my day!!!)
I am leaving for AFRICA in less than 2 days and I am SOOOOO excited - a little nervous but oh so overjoyed at going to a country that stole my heart before I ever even stepped foot on the soil. I talked to a friend this morning and I realized that part of my excitement is because I am going somewhere new, but also because I am seeing a new area for ministry. Last year in Burundi we worked on University campuses sharing the gospel and sharing about America and in South Africa we will be working with youth sharing the gospel, things about America and sharing testimonies about why abstinence is so important. I am a little overwhelmed about sharing that part of my testimony. We are going to an area that has one of the highest HIV/AIDS populations. Here comes the Southern belle who hasn't even kissed anyone. I was thinking the other day - what do I have to offer? But then the Lord in His ever faithful way reminded me - that I have the story of His amazing and sustaining grace. If one Zulu girl hears the story of the Lord in my testimony and changes her way or makes the decision not to go down that path - PRAISE THE FATHER! It is only by His GRACE. Colossians 2:2-3 has been a theme verse for my life the last couple of years:

"My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so
that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they
may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the
treasures of wisdom and knowledge."

That is my prayer for the people, mainly youth that we come in contact with. That they would understand Christ, because in Him are found all things. The things that the world teaches you you can find in relationships and sex, can be found in Him and that is a COMPLETE heart. The world takes that away from you, the Lord restores. I'll update with prayer request for the trip tomorrow. On to other errands in AUBURN!!!


Friday, July 07, 2006

Singing to the neighbors ....

I love to workout - walk or run normally, but lately I've been lifting weights too. Now don't get any crazy ideas, not trying to bulk up just get in shape. Last night my favorite show went off and it was time to walk. I decided instead that I would ride the stationary bike on the backporch, I got my MP3 player and tennis shoes and went out there. I started pedaling and singing ... I was going for awhile when I realized that the house behind us the man was outside and could probably hear me (my mother said I was pretty loud). I got pretty embarrassed and then I realized how silly I was being. I was singing about my cup overflowing, how the Lord has filled me. I was just singing to Jesus until I knew the neighbor heard me. The best part of the song is (Caedmons Call - Walk With Me):

"Will you lead me, beside the still waters
Where the oil, it runs over, and my cup overflows
You restore my soul."

He will lead me, he will fill me. Why not tell the world?!?! Why not share?? Why be so timid?

Update: I am leaving for Africa in 7 days ... CANT BELIEVE IT!!! The super exciting part is that about five months ago I began making plans for this trip as well as a trip to Thailand with my church. The combined cost of the two trips was $3,900.00 - thats a lot of money. I'm a poor college kid and don't have any "rich" friends. I found a note in my journal the other night where during a meeting I asked a friend "Can I raise 3,900 in a year?" Her response was "I don't think you can - Ask Jesus if He can." and I did but with little faith, I am hear to say that He has BLOWN my mind! All the support for both trips has been raised! I am actually over for the Thailand trip - but that money still goes into the account and will bless someone else!!! What an AMAZING GOD I serve. He knows my needs even before I bring them to him and blesses me more than I could expect. People ask me and it is a joy to tell them how the Lord has answered prayers!! I serve a BIG GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

The Enemy

I hate the enemy! I just want that stated. I can't stand him - but I am not gonna let him win! I realized this morning that I was down and I was letting those "little things" bother me and then it hit me - the enemies plan. If he can get me down and discouraged (my dad just preached on this on Sunday) then I will not be as excited about what the Lord is doing now and about to do. John 10:10 "The thief comes to steal, and kill, and destroy; I came that they might have life, and might have it abundantly." This verse came to mind as I was talking to the Lord - what a reminder - he came for US to have LIFE and not just plain life but ABUNDANT LIFE! What a promise!! If I let the enemy steal my joy and get discouraged than I am no longer effective for the Kingdom - how sad to not be effective because of a bad attitude. The Lord has too many WONDERFUL things in store. Things I have to trust him for, things that I don't understand, things that I wonder "how could it be better than that?" , things that I don't see how they will ever work out and get better. The Lord knows, and I have to rest in the fact that He will tell me when the time is right.
Resting in Him ...

Countdown: 9 days til I leave for SOUTH AFRICA. (finally single digits)
6 days til I am back in AUBURN!!!!


My heart aches ... oh Lord, that you would increase my faith to trust in you and your plan ...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Nations ...

So, my thoughts wander most days ... and more often that not it wanders to my future and what it will consist of. The first thing that always comes to mind is AFRICA, my heart. Then it goes to all the nations, what will it be like in heaven. On Sunday morning as I helped lead worship I couldn't help but sing at the top of my lungs:
Then I thought, I wanna go now! (being a brat of course) I want Jesus to come back on that bright cloud and get us - I wanna go home! Then I think how unfair that is, there are people ALL OVER the globe that have not heard the name of Jesus and I think well lets go tell them. But its so much more than that. I know my thoughts are elementary and I am learning, the Lord is showing me how its not totally necessary but incredibly important to understanding him to know theological things. Anyways, somebody once said you can't just go riding up on a truck and scream John 3:16 at the village and then look to the heavens for Christ to come back. Its more than them hearing its them understanding. WOW! Makes me wonder if He will ever come back ... but He Promised. :-) Then I begin to threaten to quit school and run away to the remote parts of Africa, heck I'll go anywhere if it hastens the return. Here's my thing - I want my life to be worship to the Father, yet I stink at that. In heaven, thats our job 24/7 worship the King, unhindered, totally focused. Oh, how I pray that my life would be that way here and now.

Countdown: 10 days 'til I leave for SOUTH AFRICA! :-) BLESS THE LORD!

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Back Porches ...

I have given into the world of "blogging" - I guess this is just a place for my thoughts to be read and its named Back Porch Conversations because my two favorite places are the front and back porch of my grandparents and parents house. Growing up I would sit on my grandparents porch and watch the trucks and cars go by, it never failed you saw someone you knew. Grandma had these chairs that weren't really rockers as much as they were bouncers, I loved sitting in them. They were just the right size for me to curl up and "bounce" as traffic went by. Late in the evening though the most relaxing place to sit was the Back porch, thats where the rocking chairs were and it would be us (whoever from the family was there) and nature. It was always so peaceful. We could hear the bugs making their noises and see lightning bugs dance through the yard. The occasional buzz of the bug zapper just meant some bug (hopefully a mosquito) lost its life. We would talk about anything and everything and everyone. ha ha I tell you we solved the worlds problems from the back porch of Springer Drive. Even now when I need to be alone and need to spend some time with the Lord, just hearing His voice, I make my way to the back porch. I am thankful that the back porch can't talk - oh the secrets it could tell of my conversations with the Lord. So I guess, when I am away from my parents and grandparents, the back porch is only in my heart. So, here goes public conversations from my back porch ...